Government is one big fat malaprop

Students' mangled expressions about politics impart hilarious wisdom
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College students know: Weird stuff happens here

Students' mangled expressions about politics impart hilarious wisdom

The students of today aren'ꀙt any less capable than the students of my generation, or any other generation.

College students today are young, squirrelly, distracted; still feeling their way in between childhood and becoming adults. They do learn, however, and they eventually grow up, and figure out how to get something done for someone other than themselves. They'ꀙre just human beings, with all the possibilities and foibles found therein.

Often, when they are hurried and stressed, they make mistakes. They write the wrong word in the right place; they make just the wrong choice when using spellchecker. The results can be as interesting as they are incorrect.

I'ꀙve been collecting them over more than a dozen years of teaching political science. (So before you jump to the conclusion that either I or the students are tragically inept, know that these gems have been culled from more than 1,000 essays and exams.) I call this "Federalism: To be, or not so much?" after the title of one student'ꀙs essay. Consider these offerings:

1. The foundations

A constitution is a statement of flexible documents. The Constitution opens up with a preamble, then the articles of confederation. Towards the end there are many accusations of King Louis the XIV.

The goals of the Framer'ꀙs of the Constitution were to create a presidency that could match the powers of Congress, but not pass out. The farmers wanted a president powerful enough to lead the nation during periods of cosmetic and international crisis, by they also wanted checks on of power.

Congress can impeach a president if he gets enough votes.

U.S. courts allow people to argue their points of view, while in some countries they only look at the facts.

The Framer'ꀙs gave Congress the power to borrow coin money.

Examples of civil rights and liberties include the right to get redness if injured by another, the right of peaceful protest, the right to a fair investigation and trail if suspected of crime, and more generally-based constitutional rights such as the right to vote, the right to personal freedom of movement and the right of equal protection.

2. Elections

Citizens have the opportunity to participate in all three levels of government through elections, public herrings and other means.

Some representatives may not always be sensitive to the area'ꀙs needs and despondent to voters'ꀙ opinions and therefore can always be voted out of office come election time.

Elections are used so that the public has a say in who is elected into office and what new laws are passed. This gives the people a playing part in the government. There are limits to how much not of pocket money you can spend when campaigning. The rules for elections is that no one person or organization can give a person running for office more than $3,000. This can hurt the candidates who aren'ꀙt rich and powerful because they have to rely solely on donations. Volunteers are also found to help [candidates] out with drooling or fundraising.

Also each candidate is responsible for running their own campaign and becoming known. This also is a problem for some because some people running for office aren'ꀙt well-known and rich so they have a harder time become known. I think it is problem because it'ꀙs really not fare to those who aren'ꀙt really popular in their district, or even well known, of if they don'ꀙt have a lot of money than they are less likely to get votes. So basically we choose people who have power, money and are known and liked. If we don'ꀙt fix this problem, we could end up electing the wrong person into office just because they protrude to be a good leader when they were a candidate.

The Electrical College is the electoral system used in electing the president and vice president. We have this system so it is easier to tell who will win instead of counting everyone'ꀙs vote.

The census bureau also stated that 58 percent of voters were between the ages of 18 and above.

Initiatives and referenda are things people make up. This right allows new ideas to reform certain rules that will hopefully increase the condition of the subject.

3. Candidates

The candidate seems like he is really interested in helping our community and that he knows what he is talking about and not going back on what he has said in the future. During his lecture, he mostly explain how budgets were used and how he putrefied are state.

If the candidate has enough money, he can throw hugged parties and give a speech at his parties.

Though I usually do not agree with Republicans, Sutherland struck a cord with me.

Patty Murray'ꀙs opponent for this election is George Nethercutt who has also had a descent and normal life before becoming fascinated by the American Government.

4. The Governor and the Legislature

Governor of the state wakes up everyday and has his private plane or whatever and goes around the whole state to see that everything is going the way that makes people happy which is a difficult job.

Gary Locke always has a problem in the Eastern part of the state cause farmers are sometimes not happy.

Gary Locke gives a speech every year in Olympia. It is called the 'ꀜstate to state'ꀝ speech. It is a speech, like how the republicans and the democrats have conventions and they give speeches to the public. Most goners spend most of the time relating ceremonies and public relations.

Huey P. Long was a governor and a senator. He stood for the popular movement. He was populous; he catered to the common folks. Populists seek to get all people to open up and pay attention to politics and it process. Expressally middle class people, whom back then, were like Farmers and Laborers. Then there was Huey'ꀙs 'ꀜduck box,'ꀝ and some of the darker methods that he used. In Tulane Law School the local bureaucrats rendered his name High Pierce Long because of his high and might talk as if he was a Pre-Madonna.

George Wallace was raised in a middle class family and although they were middle class, they were still poor.

The Legislature has a large roll in state government. While most governors cannot directly introduce bills, they can propose them and after awhile the legislature will run into the proposal.

4. Lobbyists and interest groups

Lobbyists are known for their passion.

Interest group are people who join together with a goal of achieving a common goal.

Interest groups present their ideas to the legislature whose job it is to dramatize their issues before the state so that they will get what they want.

Interest groups have a Desiree to influence public policy.

Interest groups keep people in check.

5. Political parties

Political parties are coalitions of black-minded individuals who unite in pursuit of policy goals.

The role of political parties play in state and local government is that they try to excerpt as much influence as they can on the voting public to vote for politicians that hold the same view as the party.

Parties play a particular role in organizing an individual in looks of political power to get his or her ideas to come to an agreement of objectives.

A political machine is capable of immobilizing loyal votes. Richard J. Daley was a machine politician. He was a democratic mayor for the city of Chicago for 11 years (1955-1976).

6. Policy

Officials often are caught at a crossroads between doping what they firmly believe and doing what the majority of their constituents want them to do.

Schools are a big issue following population grout. Schools are becoming over populated, which results in many young kids concentration levels.

The monetary policy is made and controlled by Federal Reserve, 'ꀜthe Fred'ꀝ the nation'ꀙs central bank.

Those who want gay marriages to become legal, want this so they can have the same rights as opposing sex couples have.

7. Etc.

Liberals breed for change while conservatives strive for tradition.

The farther we live, the more problems we receive here in Washington.


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About the Authors & Contributors

T.M. Sell

T.M. Sell is professor of political economy at Highline College.