With news-gathering resources declining, Seattle'ês two daily papers only were able to spare seven scribes, a pair of photogs, and perhaps a dozen anonymous desk editors for the 'êSteve Sarkisian Arrives!!!!'ê story cluttering newsstands Tuesday (Dec. 9) morning. The market-driven necessity of journalism fiscal restraint probably means the Times and P-I only would have been able to dispatch two night-cops reporters and a cartoonist had the assignment been to let readers know how, when, and why the town burned down.
Anyway, courtesy of the reportorial Sark Attack, local readers (and TV viewers, radio-listeners, and blog-sloggers) now are privy to more info about the 34-year-old new Husky football coach than many know about that other apparent savior who arrived one December.
What we know, thanks to coverage worthy of Michelle Obama or Joe the Plumber, is that the soon-to-be-former offense coach of the University of Southern California Trojans has a happy, photogenic family (including a chocolate lab) and prefers the light version of a beer that rhymes with (up)-Yoors. We still don'êt know much about Sarkisian'ês prospects as a head coach of a one-time major-college football program. That will await decisions he makes hiring members of his cabinet — er, his coaching staff. After that, The Sark will be evaluated according to the recruiting class of freshmen and transfers he can lure to help unearth a program buried under the numbers 0-12.
After that, the measurement standard no doubt will be defined by the numbers 1-1. That should be the team'ês record in early September after losing the home opener against L.S.U. then beating Idaho the following week. Optimists hope Sarkisian can pick up five wins his initial season and maybe become bowl-qualified in 2010, the projected senior season for wunder-quarterback Jake Locker.
Anyway, that'ês what we know. Oh, and the dog (age 10) is named Abby.