Quick housekeeping note. Crosscut is looking for a half-time deputy editor. We've had the job posted on Craigslist for a couple of weeks, but it might have escaped your attention during the holidays. Here's a partial description: Crosscut.com, a new online newspaper for the Pacific Northwest based in Seattle, is looking for a half-time deputy editor to help us expand into new local subject areas and develop new tools. The person we hire will join a small staff of seasoned pros on a journey that started nine months ago and which we expect will lead to big things. No promises, but this job could be a stepping stone to full-time work. It offers ground-floor involvement in one of a handful of online-only local-news startups in the country. This job involves a wide range of local news subjects and requires someone who is familiar with the Northwest's political and media landscape; is conversational in Seattle arts, restaurants, and clubs; knows Seattle-based companies; understands the suburbs; and has spent weekend time outside the metro area. This is not a writing job, but there are potential opportunities to write for Crosscut. You can see the complete ad, including how to apply, here.
Crosscut is hiring
Quick housekeeping note. Crosscut is looking for a half-time deputy editor. We've had the job posted on Craigslist for a couple of weeks, but it might have escaped your attention during the holidays. Here's a partial description:
Quick housekeeping note. Crosscut is looking for a half-time deputy editor. We've had the job posted on Craigslist for a couple of weeks, but it might have escaped your attention during the holidays. Here's a partial description: