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This is Just Intermission

Crosscut Festival 2021
Tue May 4, 2021 | 3:00pm

A look ahead with the creative community at a forever changed arts & music scene.

Asian woman with dark hair pulled back wearing a deep purple short-sleeve top stand sideways with her arms crossed. She is in a dark room with several people standing in the background
Black man with slight growth of facial hair wearing dark glasses and a blue and white checkered button-down shirt against a black background
White woman with short, wavy dark hair wearing glasses, a silver pendant necklace and white top smiles at the camera against a tan background
Featuring: Vivian Hua 華婷婷, Tim Lennon, Erin Johnson

Washington State of the Pandemic

Crosscut Festival 2021
Fri May 7, 2021 | 9:00am

How we’re doing a year later, and what we expect to come next.

Older white man with combed back dark grey hair wearing a white striped button down, dark necktie and dark suit jacket smiles at the camera against a light grey backdrop
Featuring: Stuart Elway

Your Last Meal

Crosscut Festival 2021
Sat May 8, 2021 | 12:00pm

Rachel Belle talks with the Canlis brothers for the Your Last Meal podcast.

A white woman with dark, curly hair pulled back into a bun on the top of her head  holds a sandwich above her head. She is wearing a black and white striped t-shirt and red bandana as a headband.  She is smiling and looking up at the sandwich. In the background is a restaurant's glass window advertising burgers and milkshakes.
A white man with short, dark hair wearing a blue suit and light brown shoes is mid-jump with an excited expression on his face. Another man in a darker suit and dark brown shoes stand next to him, looking up at him quizzically. There is a dark grey wall behind them..
Featuring: Rachel Belle, Brian & Mark Canlis

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About the Festival

The Cascade PBS Ideas Festival brings together journalists, newsmakers, and innovators from around the country to talk about the issues that are animating our cultural conversations. The festival includes live recordings of television and podcasts from The Atlantic, The New Yorker, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Slate, Pushkin, NPR and PBS; as well as community meetups, meet-and-greets, food trucks, DJs, and more.

The Cascade PBS Ideas Festival will take place May 4, 2024, at the Amazon Meeting Center, 2031 Seventh Ave. Seattle, WA 98121.

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