Your donation helps to build editorial capacity, improve technology and create more opportunities for engagement. Crosscut operates as a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization and receives no government funding. Become a member today (click here)!
On Monday, Crosscut launched its fall 2013 Membership Drive. Our goal is 400 new or renewing donors over the next five weeks, and we want you to be one of them!
Over the next several weeks, you will read commentary from other supporters about the importance of Crosscut’s editorial expansion to deepen both our geographic and subject area coverage. Geographically, we want to double down in Seattle, on the Eastside, in the state capitol and Puget Sound communities. Readers want us to expand our coverage in key civic and cultural areas like urban life (transportation and urban ecology, for example), arts and culture, policy and the economy (business, education and training)
Though it is the focus of the fall Membership Drive, editorial expansion is not our only priority. Over the course of the next two years, the “Stronger Crosscut, Smarter Region” campaign will seek to fund growth in three strategic areas:
Editorial expansion: We need the resources to augment our small, effective editorial team with more dedicated editors and reporters in the geographic and subject areas described above;
Improved reader experience – As an online news organization, we need continually to upgrade our technology in order to improve your reading experience and to lead rather than follow;
Enhanced civic engagement – Readers want great articles that lead to in-person dialogue, civic and civil engagement. Our partnership with City Club and the Seattle Channel to produce Civic Cocktail is a good example of the kinds of news-based dialogue we want to see more of throughout the region.
At Crosscut, we want to lead in these three strategic areas of today’s journalism. As a member, you support our organization’s growth and preparation to assume that responsibility. Join us by supporting a stronger Crosscut for a smarter region.