Spincycle Yarns started from humble beginnings with two young women, Rachel Price and Kate Burge-Tibi, riding a bicycle full of hand-spun yarn to sell at the Bellingham Farmers Market. Initially seeking quality colorful yarns for their own crafts, they found the market came up short on options. So they began hand-dyeing and spinning their own yarn, creating vibrant, slow and dramatic color transitions in every skein, making each one unique.
Two decades later, the business has grown substantially, with more than 20 employees, a mill and dye house and a flagship store that provides unique yarns to crafters around the globe. Self-described natural-fiber enthusiasts, Price and Burge-Tibi continue to focus on creating beautiful naturally dyed yarns in every color of the rainbow.
This episode's Pro Tip: See the magic of how to tincture dye wool yarn.