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2014 | April
Ramps to Nowhere: A word on behalf of 'Seattle process'
The Weekend List: The arts and culture guide to Seattle's good life
A green line of governors: Can Inslee, Kitzhaber stop energy exports?
Fatal shootings have police searching for clues, activists asking for cameras
Celebrate our successful member drive with us!
The International Salon of Decorative Arts comes to Seattle
Helping schools should start with winning back federal funds
Meet the Governor's new climate change attack plan
Legislature agrees on its education story for the court
Donald Sterling drives Cliven Bundy from the front page
A child's guide to dealing with racism
How Tacoma's immigration protest spawned a national fight
Viral Video: Lance Armstrong fixes a flat (but probably not his rep)
The Smartypants Guide to May's Civic Cocktail: Talking with Jay Inslee. And Oso mudslide relief.
Seattle's colleges: What's with dropping the 'community'?
GOP: At sea in Bellevue without Rodney Tom?
Baby Bertha? Another tunnel-boring machine will soon start digging Seattle
Metro vote analysis: King County's great city-suburban divide
Thank you, Crosscut supporters!
Crosscut's reinventing journalism. Meet the Community Idea Lab
Film review: Jodorowsky's Dune
Federal crackdown on education standards creates state questions
Western Washington University: The surprising new right-wing target
Murray gives minimum wage committee more time to reach agreement
Can Seattle save itself from a San Francisco-sized tech backlash?
The Weekend List: The arts and culture guide to Seattle's good life
Chunky seabird in the crosshairs of state's timber-cutting machinery
Neighborhoods: How Seattle can turn a confusing moment into a better future
As Prop. 1 falters, Metro fans ask, 'Now what?'
Bell Street Park: A noble bust
Obama tells Oso: We are with you
Metro Transit cuts ahead as vote goes heavily against tax measure
High stakes: Bertha contractor, state at odds over labor dispute costs
Sandra Jackson-Dumont, SAM's Remix magician, signs off
Support Crosscut, support innovation
Earth Day: Greenwashing works well for oil industry
Earth Day: Real environmentalists are conservative. And live where it's green
Bertha's long hibernation: Still hope for an on-time finish?
Before & after WA's controversial gay Boy Scout leader
Member Drive Match Day - with puppies!
3 novel programs help parents bring street youth back home
Why app design is replacing computer science in public schools
Member Drive Countdown: 3 days to go
Lake Washington schools: Big decisions for a big district
Viral Video: The Daily DoGooder
New survey offers tips for implementing Seattle's new city council districts
Making Holy Week feel a little more holy
Transit measure is crucial to region's economy
State, feds square off over Hanford
Seattle police accountability: What does the public want?
"Big Men" documentary: Pricey and confusing
A tale of three world's fairs
What 1 lucky Seattle immigrant's case can teach politicians
Seattle parks plan: Why does City Council want to control it?
The Weekend List: The arts and culture guide to Seattle's good life
First Hill residents worry about Metro Transit cuts
Oil, coal, gas: Export proposals are growing
Book City: Greg Atkinson's great cookbook loves
Seattle neighborhoods in limbo
Prop 1: What King County Metro hopes you won't notice
Lone Democrat in Senate majority? No problem
What if two wildly different gun initiatives both win voter approval?
Digging deeper with Crosscut
Politics in Washington: Ready for an explosion
NW Forest Plan: Warfare rages out of the spotlight
Fight for state Senate control could enter unknown territory
Court will hear no specifics from Legislature on school improvement money
Washington's White River, 8th most endangered in the land
The UX Doctor: Fixing Seattle's new parking meters
How to destroy a perfectly good police department
How annoying: The risky business of being a pest
The Northwest's forest plan: 20 years of fighting
Obama makes a smart Cabinet pick who has Seattle background
Made in Seattle: The board game that teaches pre-schoolers to code
'Finding Vivian Meier': Is the pursuit of fame an artistic requirement?
Police discipline: Trying to quell a crisis
Puget Sound joins Global Cities Initiative
Tails of Wasps: One political sex scandal you'll want to watch again
Viral Video: Mike Judge does "Silicon Valley"
Ramps to Nowhere: Now we're getting Somewhere
Seattle's shiny economic future depends on city-owned broadband
You want a truly transparent state budget?
The Weekend List: The arts and culture guide to Seattle's good life
Bellevue and its new mayor: An era of calm and regional influence?
The Scenario: A secret program tracking weed-lovers' whereabouts
Education: A local and global priority
Mariners' fans emerge slowy from hibernation
Now at BAM: A very real kind of nudity
Madison Park: A little bit of neighborhood pride
Paying for city parks: District v. levy
Fed up with Olympia: Can smaller class sizes make the ballot?
Time for Mariners to "get real"
Voices from the Street: Aaron and Becca
Viral Video: Key and Peele and the Peabody
New Orleans: Oh, how good it is to get away from the Northwest
In support of inefficiency
Bulldozing Seattle's tradition of protest
City Summit: Does Seattle really do neighborhood living?
SPD watchdog faults misconduct appeals system
Inslee protects research fund from legislative ax
Inslee vetoes Legislature's controls on official drones
Jackson Park relives Seattle's Jazz Age
What the heck's a climate hub?
'Anita': Absorbing new documentary about the Hill-Thomas fiasco
Hispanic children face big challenges in Washington
Tunnel: Bertha gets her bearings
The Weekend List: The arts and culture guide to Seattle's good life
The struggle to control Seattle's burning underage prostitution problem
Police discipline: The making of a crisis
The landslide's fish fallout: Collateral damage on the Stillaguamish
College sports: Fish or cut bait with student athletes
Support Crosscut: The Northwest's online venue for change
Hide Your Smiling Faces: A disquieting directorial debut
Rising danger: Project tracks where oil spill might go in the Salish Sea
TVW legislative coverage could suffer blackouts
Treacherous: The mudslide’s political fallout
State calls Hanford cleanup delays a 'violation' of consent decree