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2012 | November
'Inspecting Carol' falls flat, through no fault of its actors
Washington state jobs, universities vulnerable to D.C's fiscal cliff
Orcas Island senator eyes a carbon tax to protect NW shellfish
The Mariners should stay out of the free-agent market
A Cougs fan clocking a Husky? There's historic precedent for that
Psychoanalyzing Washington: What we now know about ourselves
Book City: Hedgebrook's director on the allure of fantasy worlds
State will look more closely at low-income housing needs
UW students still waiting for the marijuana tooth fairy
How to be creative in a busy world
State unveils ideas on tackling ocean acidification
4 things you should know about funding Washington schools
Town Hall Seattle, and lessons from the Book of Isaiah
Bold Listening: Morlot and the orchestra take on Mahler together
Learning to love a Puget Sound winter
The darker side of personal branding
Adequately funding Washington education? Just add taxes
Seattle's achilles heel: Retaining human capital
Marx Foods unleashes kangaroo meat on Queen Anne
The MV Coho: A low-budget response to winter tropics cravings
Behind an idyllic Vashon escape: A murky relationship
Where to put the P-I globe?
Can Seahawks golden boy Russell Wilson carry the team to a blitz?
Book City: Sasquatch Books head on why the company won't touch fiction
Getting beyond thankfulness
Sounders so close: A look back
Sounder train gets a lackluster start in Lakewood
Salmon: The uphill run for survival
Seattle's Korean community: How immigration makes us all stronger
Apple Cup revolt: It's time for UW, WSU to join forces
Washington sidles up to Finland's glittering education example
Can a French port on the Mediterranean aspire to Seattle-like success?
Inside Politics: It wasn't a McKenna crowd that voted
Stick to your guns: A political lesson from Cleveland
Hanford leak brings call for new underground tanks
The whole world comes together on a Southeast Seattle dance floor
Seven ways to break D.C. gridlock
Business support for education: Just big talk?
How key changes shaped the 2012 election and Obama's triumph
Sounders on the edge of doom but could have a shot
Cutting high-risk patient costs with . . . more care?
What's the future of the Seattle Center?
Death observed: Honoring a parent's directive
Musical revival captures Twain, Americana, U.S. racial history
Book City: What's in Amy Pennington's Kindle queue?
What WSU could learn from Mike Tyson's ear-biting incident
The state GOP: Down for the count?
Inslee unshaken on no-new-taxes promise
This is your kid's brain on charter schools
Ken Burns interview: The Dust Bowl, climate change and the power of drought
Dance Theatre of Harlem preps for Seattle homecoming
Coal port testimony: The public speaks
Sounders fall victim to MLS 'home team advantage' rules
Eastside rail: The Humpty Dumpty of Northwest transportation
How neighborhoods make Seattle
Cappella Romana: Getting down Gregorian style
Washington schools sic students on their sustainability problems
Epic Northwest battle: Defining how big a deal coal ports are
Seahawks unveil their second-string secret weapon
Now that voters have spoken, what'll our leaders do?
A window onto 'short, crazy' Vietnam
Northwest businesses post-election: Whither the markets?
BoltBus: Cheap fares, free WiFi, occasional fire
Election 2012: Tale of 2 counties, 2 Americas
The real meaning of the election: Work it out, folks
Husky hoops coach finally has an A-team
Book City: Mystery novelist Elizabeth George rarely reads mystery
Obama's Victory: So much blame to go around!
A school funding impasse is brewing
Vancouver won't pay to visit Dem-happy Oregon
Fear and gloating on the campaign-party trail
Election 2012: Winning another Civil War?
Gay marriage, marijuana, Inslee take early leads
Sex, sizzle, subtleties lost in Anthony and Cleopatra
Video: Why Seattle votes
The Public Publisher: Moving in the right direction
From rural Vietnam to the Washington state ballot box
We're not in Lubbock anymore, Coach Leach
Some security guards in Belltown will be armed
Preserving state's heritage: Why Spokane is central
Pacific Northwest Ballet tackles long-awaited Mark Morris number
Climate change: Do we hear the alarm ringing?
How nonprofits can thrive in challenging times
A recession is no time for the suburbs
Tuesday: The big races look close
Sounders fail to use home field chance against Salt Lake
NW Film Forum flips Big Hollywood 'The Birds'
Coming out of the infertility closet
Burke archaeologist challenges Smithsonian over Kennewick Man
What Oregon can teach us about mail-in voting
Hurricane Sandy and the importance of being FEMA