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2009 | January
A feast of Monteverdi
Obama's pagan nation
Adding insult to injury
Rich jerk update
Save the media dinosaurs!
Olympia's tunnel of love?
Obama, Act I: a partisan stimulus plan
Board passes the superintendent's closure plan
Bankruptcy option for the Seattle Times? Not easy.
School boardmembers offer only token tweaks to school closure plans
Michelle Obama: So what about those green shoes?
Ending the West's environmental stagnation
Lessons of atomic archaeology
Stirring the pot on smoking
Coming home to a new country
The benign melancholy of Brahms
Rose City recall last sank a mayor in the 1950s
Tolls and other traffic management ideas are coming back
Why tax cuts might not rescue the economy
Wanted: a local prosecutor to try President Bush for murder
Why Sarah Palin might really see Russia
I'm a school closure baby!
The Peoria plan for saving local dailies
Does Mt. Rainier need a better name?
Hang it up, Hearst
Blogging the Inauguration: Bonding with strangers
Who will succeed Gov. Gregoire?
How to put over a fierce piece of music
The stimulus bill slouches toward enactment
We have a Viaduct plan, not an overall transportation plan
Freedom of information: partly sunny
Humor: Getting high at Davos
Huskies riding high, but real tests come next week
Remembering the Rosellini years
Rich jerk watch
Obama acts fast to rescind Bush's midnight rules in the West
Setting sail for the Salish Sea
The 2009 Mariners: healthier, at least
Blogging the Inauguration: Protesting no more
We're here, we're godless, get used to it
Now, let's get serious
Closing schools: here's a better way
Blogging the Inaugural: Near-death becomes pure joy
Why we need to close some Seattle Schools
Why has free trade, key to this state's economy, gone all wobbly?
Blogging the Inauguration: A raspberry from the bleachers
This great coming together
Blogging the Inauguration: Seattle on the Potomac
Blogging the Inauguration: Caught in the crush
Does shovel-ready mean ready for burying?
In Olympia, it's a whole new agenda
The Viaduct decision's next step: tolling
How to meet folks and help on MLK Day
Humor: Art beyond art
Hearst posts its official notice to P-I employees
Inaugurations, the grand continuum of American democracy
Bizet's underrated Pearl Fishers gets a fine production at Seattle Opera
Blogging the Inauguration: A giant feed lot
Grass is looking greener for the Mariners
Hey, buddy. Want a loan?
Will the hydros conquer Arabia?
Can Obama save Ballard Denny's site?
Vancouver's Olympics are turning to woe
A 1999 letter of agreement could prove awkward for Seattle Times Co.
Memo to P-I employees: Think lean
Politically, we are three worlds
Beware the fad of hybrid poplar trees
Can the suburbs be recycled?
A process that needs to progress: decision-making in Seattle
Hammering Hoover, re-inventing Roosevelt
The P-I globe's future
Save the ferry!
Congress isn't purring yet over Obama's stimulus plan
Bush gets in a few last whacks at Northwest forests
Can it be? A Viaduct solution?
A hearty cheer to Western for dropping its football program
Hearst may be remaking, not eliminating, The P-I
Humor: Guardian angels smooth things over
Puget Sound foot ferries migrate to San Francisco
Husky basketballers flirt with top 25
Dead paper walking
Sarah Palin is slip-sliding away
Mossback talks "Pugetopolis"
Hearst confirms that The P-I is for sale
School closures: It's an earthquake
Obama's stimulus package raises some hard questions
Why the national park gun rule should stand
Landmark news, and early dibs on the P-I globe
Method in his mess-ups
Seattle's hunger for style
Let it snow!
The Mayor's race ain't over yet
What's good for preservation is good for the greens
Stripe-less in Seattle
Putting a smiley face on the godless
Schools closure plan has lots of disruption
UW: We're Number 5!
Recession, wrecking balls, and history
How to drink your favorite wine on a plane
A region in decline
Think before you cut the state auditor's budget
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 13
Monorails: the idea that will not die
They also serve who labor long at City Hall
The Postal Service greets the Great Nearby
Seattle school closure plan, due Tuesday, still doesn't add up
Budget trip for the new year: Khirghizstan
Seattle Times Co. still trying to close sale of Maine papers
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 12
A suddenly promising look to Seattle sports
More political messes for Obama
The politics of beards
Five things that make even a Mossback happy
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 11
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 10
If you convene citizens, listen to them
Happy Nazi New Year
The shocking loss of Nat Hentoff