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2008 | December
The Year in Verse
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 9
Seattle snow, a new topic for gibes from New York City
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 8
A handsome tribute to Sheila Farr
Viaduct politicians reach a big moment of truth
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear, Essay 7
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 6
One-upping the Choppaduct
Oregon will move to tax cars by the mile
You call that socialism?
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 5
Meet the Pacific albus tree, harbinger of green forestry
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 4
Sobering lessons for Puget Sound clean-up
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 3
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 2
The Metro Bus Blues
The road less salted
Humor: Happy Rebranding to me
2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 1
Six New Year's wishes
Coal ash for a Christmas gift in Tennessee
Where have you gone, Seattle Times?
Mayor Dynamite
Are the Vancouver Olympics turning into a stimulus plan?
How to build a Northwest conservatism
Oregon State University: front and center for marine science
A Christmas essay: a better way to help the homeless
Please pass the (road) salt
Remembering Doris Chase
Can Seattle be a Slow City?
Inauguration: the fine print
In search of a new Oregon flag
Self-congratulatory environmentalism
Are Republicans being denied First Amendment rights?
Speling and grammer: lost causes?
Handel would approve
Does Seattle have a fashion sense?
Memo to city pols: times are tough
One for the Gipper
Humor: The Fear Olympics
All I want for Christmas is a suburban swinger
Seattle Times tells 500 employees to take 5 days of unpaid furlough
Obama's early stumbles
Can writers get a federal bailout too?
A gift guide for the greens on your list
Snowed in by emails
Gee, officer. I was just trying to cut my carbon footprint.
School closures: let's get more cards on the table
Can Ken Salazar clean the stables at Interior?
Local politicians strike out in the cabinet quest
Dear Barack: Here's your handy green agenda
Getting the music right for Obama's Inaugural
Battle on the Bellingham waterfront
Lakeside's "N" word poet responds
Sneak peek at Gregoire's budget bad news
Pacific Science Center's architecture might change
The suburban road for reviving local Republicans
Seattle's first expo is You Tube-ready
How Obama is mishandling the Blagojevich story
Not-so-hot tickets for Holmgren's last stand
Can we avoid a Big Dig?
A few words of English
All Bach, all cello at Town Hall
The "N" word at Lakeside
We're electing Obama today. ZZZZZZ
We need new ferries. So why don't we get them?
Reframing Northwest environmental issues
Humor: The economy needs a new bubble
Is Ron Sims catching a bus to D.C?
Is that dollars, Dale, or glass?
We are in deep Viaduct
So where's my office party?
How Wall Street is destroying the timber way of life
Shot down in Shanghai?
Olympia's kudzu of commissions
Viaduct decision day is here
Northwest is stony ground for progressive Christianity
A peace treaty for the Viaduct wars
Blago and backlash
Closing schools: blaming the victims
Will your school be there next year?
On the waterfront: A thought experiment
Northwest fiction rooted in the region
Tim Burgess makes a fast start at City Council
Lending for ultra-luxury Western resorts: dumb, dumb, dumb
Seven scribes a-scribbling
At UW, the search is off
So much for non-partisanship
Tacoma's art scene continues to surprise
Bush/Nixon and the battle for the bottom
Is this any way to protect Puget Sound?
Bishakha in Mumbai
Saving Puget Sound? Exactly how?
Twilight of Twitter?
Seattle Times puts some new land up for collateral
Port of Seattle makes the case for audits
Heckuva job, economists!
End of a dead-end Husky season
A dance to the future
Love those $4 shoes!
Detroit's welfare queens
Seattle neighborhoods need more, not fewer, schools
Christmas Treehuggers
Seattle's City Hall: Get the hook!
Blue-state musings from a red-state woman
Denver daily is put up for sale
The (literal) elephant in the room
The Gravy Train to nowhere?
Boeing is going! Boeing is going!!
Careful which schools you close
Filling the polling void
Is it wrong to have a Negro Creek?
The real reason Dino Rossi lost
Closing the open season on trees
Trouble in Tatoosh
Seattle Schools' budget: a glum bottom line
Can we turn the football game off, now?
Up yours, Virginia
The Navy wins on sonar, not that anyone's surprised
Washington wines make a splash in Florida